Research Professor
Active Fault and Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Research Institute (AFMI)
Pukyong National University, Nam-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea-48513

Korean Active Fault Research and Development Project
The aim of the project is to study the earthquake behavior of the active faults along the Korean Peninsula and prepare a digital active fault database for the entire Korean Peninsula.
Collaborators: Prof. Young-Seog Kim (PKNU, Korea); Prof. Thomas Rockwell, SDSU, USA); Prof. Klaus Reicherter (RWTH Aachen University).
Earthquake Environmental Effects and Seismic Intensity estimation using ESI-07 Scale
The main objective of this work is to use the environmental effects caused by damaging earthquakes from the Indian subcontinent and other parts of the globe towards the estimation of seismic intensity using the ESI-07 intensity scale and compare with other seismic intensity scales. The work goal is to contribute the EEEs data from damaging earthquakes to a worldwide database maintained by ISPRA, Italy, which will be useful for the development of magnitude-intensity relationships and seismic hazard mitigation.
Collaborators: Prof. Sabina Porfido (CNR ISA, Italy); Prof Alessandro Maria Michetti (University of Insubria, Italy).

With Thomas Rockwell, SDSU,USA During our fieldwork along Yangsan Fault

Trenching along Laguna Salada Low Angle Normal Fault, Baja California, Mexico
EDITH - Earthquake DeformatIon To SHA
In this project, we propose to organize and facilitate annual meetings with a wide range of experts in earthquake geology, seismology, paleoseismology, geodesy and tectonic geomorphology to gain a better understanding of the earthquake cycle with the final aim to provide constraints to future new SHA geologically-based models. This project is funded by INQUA. I will co-lead the project with Franz Livio, University of Insubria; Pia Victor, GFZ-POTSDAM; Zoe Mildon, University of Plymouth; Shalev Siman-Tov, Geological Survey of Israel; Shreya Arora, India
Ph.D. (2008 - 2014)
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT Kanpur)
Research Associate (2014-2016)
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT Kanpur)
Project: Detailed site investigations for proposed nuclear power plant sites along Northern India
In this project, we will build a common platform for datasets available for Tsunami hazard studies around the Globe, which can be sued for probabilistic tsunami Hazard Maps.Also, we will build a strong network among ECRS working on paloetsunamis. This project is funded by INQUA. I will co-lead the project with ECRSfrom India, France, Israel and USA.
Website: https://inquanami.wixsite.com/namilink3
Understanding the Tectonic process of Zagros Fold Belt using multiproxy approach
In this project, we will use Remote Sensing, Geomorphology and Field based approach to understand the Fault Propagation Folding along Zagros Fold Belt, Iran. In this work I am collaborating with Prof. Reza Mansouri, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Planning, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran
UNESCO TWAS Postdoctoral Fellowship
The World Academy of Science (TWAS) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Geosciences, UNAM, Mexico
Project: Paleoseismic investigations along surface rupture of 2010 Baja California earthquakes and Detailed active fault mapping and paleoseismic investigations Normal faults in Central Mexican Volcanic Belts
Liquefaction Potential estimation of Alluvial soils
The project work is designed to understand the cyclic behavior of the alluvial soils using small strain dynamic triaxial testing apparatus and the use of the dynamic soil properties for the liquefaction potential estimation. The major output of the work is the preparation of a liquefaction potential map for the study area.
Collaborator: Prof. Nihar Ranjan Patra (IIT Kanpur, India).
Apart from this ongoing research, I am interested to work on detailed active fault mapping and paleoseismic investigations along Himalayan Frontal Thrust, India. I am available for collaboration towards detailed active fault mapping and paleoseismic investigations around the world.
Senior Researcher (2017-2019)
Active Fault, and Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Research Institute, PKNU, Korea
Project: Active Fault Mapping and detailed paleoseismic investigations along the Yangsam-Ulsan Fault Systems
Research Professor (2019-Present)
Project: Active Fault Mapping and detailed paleoseismic investigations along the Yangsam-Ulsan Fault Systems
Active Fault, and Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Research Institute, PKNU, Korea